2014年8月15日 星期五

什麼是 COVER LETTER? 履歷的強大武器!

相信不少人都聽過COVER LETTER,但這個什麼東西呢? 簡單來說,它可用來簡單描述這份履歷的目的,或者是你求職(求學)的大鋼。小編看過許多人都將COVER LETTER 寫的落落長,這樣是不太正確的喔,COVER LETTER 的重點就是必須要讓面試官快速、清楚的知道妳主要要傳達的"主旨",所以精簡扼要是一個好的COVER LETTER之重點唷!


To:  Officers of Education department

From: Ko-Jr Lee
April 18, 2012

Dear Sir / Madam:

Having heard that the situation of an assistant in Dr. Brock’s office is vacant in Fall Semester. I wish to offer my service for it.

I am 26 years of age, and had worked for few years in a similar position for assisting some professors in university, Taiwan. I also have some work experiences in business field. I truly hope that I can dedicate my studying time here in the U.S. to education department. I will try my best to assist my professor Dr. Brock and work with him with a lot of passions.

I hope to have the pleasure of your consideration.

Very truly yours,

Ko-Jr Lee

根據你的求職(求學)方向,將內容修改成你專屬的COVER LETTER,到哪裡求職都無往不利!

資料來源: WOW Working Holiday - 非營利目的的澳洲打工領導品牌

